A**HOLE'S Guide To Arguing

I Am Not Listening

* From The A**HOLE’S Guide To Arguing (Or, How To Succeed In Politics)”

One way to annoy your opponent in a debate, or in any other form of argument, is to ignore them. Share on X

Ignoring someone by looking away, whistling, chatting with someone else, checking your phone or walking out is just a way of saying,  

“You are so dumb that I am not even going to bother listening to you.”

Without actually saying it of course, because you know that would be rude.

In private life, this usually means the conversation is over. If someone treats you this way during a public debate, keep your cool and keep talking.

What they are hoping for is an emotional reaction, and that you will be distracted by their rudeness. If you do not feel like letting them get away with being rude, just end your talk with something along the lines of,  

“And as soon as my opponent is done looking at cute puppy pictures on his phone, he will tell you all about how he intends to handle this serious, grown up matter.”

© Merlyn Gabriel Miller

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