A**HOLE'S Guide To Arguing


* From The A**HOLE’S Guide To Arguing (Or, How To Succeed In Politics)”

Arguments are a necessary part of life. We can not avoid them, nor should we want to.

At its best, an argument is a friendly discourse between two or more parties where they express what they believe in and why they believe it. Share on X

At its worst, it is people spewing out claims they can not prove along with massive amounts of abuse to deter people from disagreeing. The latter being more popular in politics.

In most debates you will notice that explaining what they stand for and how they intend to deliver on their promises is not the politicians priority. The main goal of a political debate is to make the opponent look like an ass, and to that end they will use any and all manner of dirty tricks. Share on X

What the politician wants you to believe is that the opponent is an idiot that will ruin your life. And that they, and whatever party they represent, are the only ones that can fix the horrible mess you are in.

If you could distil an entire political campaign into a few lines it would sound something like this:

“What they said they would, they didn’t do. What they did, they shouldn’t have. Don’t give them another chance to screw up. Vote for us.”

And yes, that is a very polite recap.

So, who is this book for?
Actually, everyone.

At some point we will all find ourselves being manipulated by a bullshit artist, be required to defend our point of view, have to figure out what puppet to vote for and so on. And when that happens, it helps to know how to (or how not to) argue.

Once you understand how you are being manipulated, bullshit will have less of an effect on you. And as a result you will be able to make better decisions and have better arguments. Share on X

And, if you want to understand why you detest politics and harbour a deep seated mistrust towards politicians and the mass media – this book will be your moment of Zen.

If you are not an asshole and want to get into politics (may God help you) this book will help you understand when and how you are being manipulated in debates.

If you are an asshole and want to get into politics, this book will read like a how-to guide.

Have fun arguing!

© Merlyn Gabriel Miller

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