
Quora: Are nice people weak?

Q: Why are nice people often perceived as weak people?

A: Because sometimes they are.

Some people are “nice” because,

  1. The care too much about what other people think of them, which makes them easy to manipulate and abuse by a**holes who will turn this concern for others against them.
  2. They want to ease the suffering of everyone, which makes them susceptible to exploitation by anyone who can tell them a believable hard-luck story.
  3. They either lack or have very weak personal boundaries, which means they can easily be pushed around and made to do things they don’t really want.
  4. They have low self-esteem, which attracts unscrupulous people that lavish on the attention to lure them in, and later take advantage of them.

Being “nice” is something that is pounded into little kids (girls especially) as something they should aspire to be. The problem is that no one tells them that being “nice” is not the same as being a pushover or a doormat. But many interpret it that way and later suffer for it.


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