
Quora: Do we all have a purpose?

Q: Whether or not you believe in a god, do you think everyone here has a purpose?

A: Finding your life’s purpose, God’s purpose for your life or the purpose of life itself…those are eternal questions.

Some will argue that the only purpose of life it the one you give it. That it has meaning because of you, instead of you being alive for a reason.

Whether this theory is correct or not, it is a useful one. It places the responsibility for your life in your hands, and not with an outside agent.

This way there is less chance of you waiting around for some sort of revelation that will finally help you make sense of it.

However, my own experiences do give me reason to believe that our presence here on Earth is not a fluke. That there is a method to the madness that is human existence.

The most likely explanation, in my opinion, is that life is a game.
Who designed it, and what the purpose of the game is?
That is another rabbit hole…


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