
Quora: Equal pay for equal time?

Q: Should everybody have the same hourly pay regardless of what they do? If all humans are equal, should not the value of an hour of anybody’s life be the same?

A: Should 60 minutes of one person’s life be worth more than 60 minutes of somebody else’s?

The idea that some people’s time is worth more than other’s, is a popular one. Doctors are paid more than nannies, politicians more than teachers, stock brokers more than garbage men.

Some argue that this is because of the time, money and effort spent on preparing for these jobs, especially in the form of a lengthy and expensive education. Some argue it is because these jobs add more value to society than others.

On the surface these arguments appear to have kernel of truth to them. But if we take these to be true, and live accordingly – all striving for the high paying status jobs, refusing any other occupation, what will happen to society?

When the garbage men and sewage workers no longer exist, when rubbish and sewage floods the streets causing disease, will we finally understand their value? And rethink our stance on what the “important and valuable” jobs are?

If an occupation exists, it is because it adds value to society. Those occupations that don’t, disappear. And, if they all add value, shouldn’t 60 minutes of a burger flipper’s efforts be as valuable as a doctor’s?

In theory, yes. In practice, this would create huge protests, as the highly educated and well paid want to retain their status and power, and not share it with those they believe to be beneath them.


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