
Quora: Is it OK to throw away your kids’ stuff?

Q: Is it wrong for a parent to throw away jewelry or clothes their children bought for themselves that the parent does not like?

A: They bought these items with their own money, hence it belongs to them.

If someone took what was rightfully yours and threw it out because they didn’t like it, you’d be pretty upset.

Then there is the question of what you are teaching them by doing this.
That it is perfectly OK to take something that isn’t yours?
That whatever you own can easily be taken away from you?

What is within your rights as a parent, while the kids are still under 18 and living under your roof, is to restrict access to certain items.

When I was 4 I bought a knife (which I used for making myself a bow and arrows). This is not something that a kid should be left alone with, and my mother took it away from me the moment she noticed. This is fair game, as a knife could cause harm to a child.

If the objects could be potentially harmful, or are not age appropriate, restrict their use until a later date. 
Do not throw anything away or sell it, simply guard it.


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