
Quora: Is there a universal formula for happiness?

Q: In your opinion, is there a secret to happiness? If not, how can one best find it absent any “formula”? If there is, what is it? Is it a “personalized thing” or do you think the “same principles apply to all people”?

A: There are certain things that all people want, and which they would be unhappy without. Food, shelter and companionship are common desires.

But, unhappy without doesn’t mean happy with.
Rich, well-fed people in huge mansions, surrounded by well meaning people can still be miserable.

The more personal desires, such as marrying person X, having 16 kids, running a goat farm etc, are not universal. And even when achieved they might not bring happiness. Even though we do like to think that,

“If X (insert your desire here), then Y (I would be happy)”.

But life is not that logical or straight forward.

There may be a basic formula that could be used to distill happiness, that if followed would guarantee happiness. But what would that look like?

Perhaps it is as simple as Health + Freedom to pursue one’s dreams = Happiness?

Those two elements do often contribute to happiness, making it easier to achieve. But is it enough? Are you guaranteed to be happy if you have your health and freedom?

It may be that formula for happiness is a combination of the personal and universal, and not so easily quantified.


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