
Quora: On fleeting and true happiness

Q: Even on my most happiest days I always tell myself it’s temporary and fleeting. How do I let go of that and just be happy?

Everything is temporary, nothing lasts.
And that is good news.

Why would you want to change it?
Just expand your thinking to include your troubles as well.

Trying to hang on to happiness, is like grasping water.
Let go and let it flow. Sometimes it will flow towards you, at other times away from you.

Life is but a series of fleeting moments.
Enjoy the good ones while they last, and let the bad ones pass.


Q: What would truly make you a happy person if given anything in this world? True happiness not temporary.

A: Love.

The one thing you cannot buy, steal or bargain your way to.

Love is the most valuable asset, yet it cannot be traded.
It has to be given freely, without hesitation and ulterior motives.

The happiness comes from both the giving and receiving, which are two sides of the same coin. You cannot have just one and not the other.

Those who have love and yet are not happy, are unable to receive. The secret to love and happiness is to remain open.


Q: How do I create my own happiness zone and stay in that zone for forever?

A: You can create your own happiness, without a doubt. Even little pockets of undisturbed comfort, such as a meditation room. You can even plan for times when your mood is down and use playlists of your favourite music, videos and images to get your spirits back up again.

But,that you should be able to create a “happiness zone”, from which you will never depart, nor be disturbed within, is a fantasy.

If you are seeking enlightenment, perhaps you can get closer to this ideal. However, as long as you are here on this planet, with other people, you cannot expect to have it your way all the time. Meaning, you will get thrown out of your comfort zone occasionally.

The best advice I can give, is to strengthen yourself. Find peace within and trust in your ability to withstand whatever life throws at you. Meditation and developing a Zen like attitude will help.


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