
Quora: On the cause of success and failure

Q: Is it really possible for another person to be the cause for your lack of success?

A: Only if you have a split personality.

There is this tendency, that all humans have, to attribute successes to ourselves, and our failings to someone else. But your life is your own, and no one can limit your success unless you agree to it at some level.

You could argue that the president of the Coca Cola company is the reason why your “Jimmi’s Coca Cola” soda company is failing. That him suing you for misuse of the brand name (Coca Cola) is why you are now going bankrupt.

However, he did not make you

  1. Go into the soda business
  2. Choose the name “Jimmi’s Coca Cola”

So, the reason why you are not succeeding has got nothing to do with the president of the Coca Cola company, and everything to do with your own choices.


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