
Quora: On truth, religion, and reality

Q: Does every being create their own reality? And if so does that means all religions are true in a relative sense?

There is a saying, it goes roughly like this:

There are many roads that lead to the top of the mountain. The only one wasting time is the one running around the base of the mountain, trying to convince everyone else that their path is wrong.”

Some people claim to have seen Jesus, others have seen Krishna. Both may be nuts, and both may also be right. We have no way of knowing which.

Faith is not quantifiable, neither is personal experience.

I can tell you that I’ve seen ‘the light’ and that His Noodly Appendage spoke to me and asked me to go on a strict diet of spaghetti and meatballs. How can this be proven or disproved?

All you can do is register the effects that this alleged event has had on me. You may form theories, and run experiments to see if it can be replicated, but these will most likely fail.

So, what you will be left with are possibilities, guesses and opinions, not facts. My reality may not be the same as yours or even be available to you.
And in this sense you could say that reality is relative.

And, if reality is relative, and truth is reality, then truth is relative.

And if it is all relative, anything goes.


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