
Quora: Rude and critical bosses

Q: How critical should a higher-up be before it reaches the brink of inappropriate and rude?

A: Rank does not matter, intention does.

Are they being critical in an effort to correct mistakes or behaviour?
Is the intention behind the words to educate and show better ways of doing things?

Or, are they generally critical of everyone, regardless? Hard to satisfy and insensitive to the feelings of others?

If they are trying to correct mistakes or educate, then they may be unaware of how harsh they sound. That their words could be received in a negative manner.

Talking with them and making them aware of the effect they have on their employees may seem like a daunting task. However, unless you have a union representative or someone else that could do the job, it’s up to you.

If they are insensitive and don’t care how their words are received, then finding another job might be all you can do. Unless, they also have a boss you can talk to.

As an employer, it is vital to understand how you can voice disagreements, educate and correct employees in a firm but respectful manner.

People are paid to do a job, not take abuse. And if they feel abused, not only will they suffer, but the company as well when smart and talented people leave in search of better conditions.


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