Quora: What is a resolution people should stop making?
A: My first thought was “New Year’s Resolutions.”
It’s the same every year. We start with the best of intentions, promising ourselves that we will stop smoking, lose weight, write a book, run a marathon and so on.
After about 1–3 months, all these resolutions have bitten the dust.
Not because they are too hard to stick to, but because we don’t really feel the need to follow through.
Small changes are easier to implement, and those we can make at any time, and even stick to. With the bigger ones we need a reason, other than “I should do it/It would be a good idea”. That approach will get you nowhere.
In order to make a resolution and follow through with it, you need a strong inner motivation. You need a personal reason to make changes. That is the only thing that will see you through the rough patches that are sure to come.