
Quora: Why are we not helping our fellow humans?

Q: Why don’t people in general feel a certain obligation to (help) others based solely on the fact that we are all human?

A: I do get the sense that people in general want to help their fellow man.
However, they may not always be able to, or even know how.

When the problems of the world seem overwhelming (as they would to most), apathy sets in.

Even if they wanted to do something about the famines, wars and diseases they see every night on the news, it seems too big of a problem for them to solve. They think, “How can little, old me possibly make a difference?”

And if they also place the responsibility for fixing it on an outside agent (the Government, usually) the incentive to act may be only in one direction -telling those ‘responsible’ to do something.

But, neither apathy nor blaming someone else makes a difference.

If we all decided to improve our own little piece the world, that would in turn change the world. 
All tiny efforts do have a cumulative effect.


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