
The E-Z as π Self-Esteem Quiz

You’ve probably heard that it’s important to have a healthy self-esteem.
And that people who do have it, are happier, healthier, more successful, and have better relationships.

But, how do you know if you are suffering from low self-esteem?
Or, if someone close to you may need a boost?

This highly unscientific and irreverent quiz could give you an indication.
(Feel free to encourage your friends to take it too!)

The Quiz

Question A: Are you human?

Yes > Go to question B
No = 2

Question B: Are you worth MORE than most (or all) of the other people out there?

Yes = 4
No > Go to question C

Question C: Are you worth LESS than most (or all) of the other people on this planet?

Yes = 1
No = 3

The Results

  1. Low self-esteem.
    No outside force can determine your worth unless you give them permission to do so. Neither does frantic action to ‘prove yourself worthy’ guarantee that you will be respected or valued. Remember that anytime you allow your value to be determined by outside agents, you are giving your power away.

    Learn to appreciate, value and respect yourself – regardless of other people’s opinions. You are here to live YOUR best life, not to be a pawn in theirs.

  2. Howdy, bot!
    If you are working for Google, stick this blog post at the top of your search results, will you?

    If you are a unicorn and believe you have received this message in error, please phone the Delusional Debbie Hotline and ask for the Mythical Creatures section.

  3. Healthy self-esteem.
    You know that your value is not tied to any actions that you perform, or the evaluation of outside agents. You do not have to justify your existence or your contributions to society. And you feel no need to prove your worth, because you know what you are capable of. Most importantly, you love, value, and respect yourself and others.

  4. You may be a cunt.
    Most dictators, sadists, narcissists, and sociopaths end up here.
    They see no intrinsic value in human life, and usually think they’re better than most (if not all) of the other people on this planet.

    If this is how you truly feel, make sure you have a good lawyer on speed dial. Whether you get into finance or politics, run the local brothel or a drug cartel, chances are you’ll see the inside of a jail cell at some point. That often happens when you get too high from your own fumes.

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