A**HOLE'S Guide To Arguing

You Ate Them Too, Jimmy!

* From The A**HOLE’S Guide To Arguing (Or, How To Succeed In Politics)”

Tu quoque, or the appeal to hypocrisy, is where one answers criticism with criticism. Often by showing that the accuser is just as guilty.

“Henry ate the cookies, mommy.”
“You ate them too, Jimmy!”

Yes, kids love this one. It lets them rat out their siblings in good conscience.

If you find yourself accused of something, there is a deep satisfaction in being able to show that the accuser is just as dirty as you. Even though we do not like dirty people, we like dirty hypocrites even less. Share on X

Here is what the appeal to hypocrisy might look like in a political debate.

The accusers argument:

“Phillips is a drunk driver. He took a Dodge Challenger and wrapped it around a pole. If you elect this man into office, and he proceeds to handle the economy the same drunken way he handled that Dodge, we will be headed straight for another crash.”

The accused’s appeal to hypocrisy:

“Are you telling me, that you’re afraid I’ll crash the economy, because I once, as a sixteen year old kid crashed a car? Remind me again, who was it that stranded their forty foot yacht two weeks ago, at a beach front amusement park full of terrified kids? Are you going to strand the economy and scare the shit out people if elected? Is that what you are saying? If so, I don’t think these folks should vote for you.”

If you are going to point the finger at someone, make sure your hands are clean. Share on X

© Merlyn Gabriel Miller

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